Author: CODESM Support

The Journey of Building Your Dream Home in RGV

Building your home from scratch is a moment of joy and self-accomplishment. You’re a few months away from having your own dream home in Rio Grande Valley. But as with most first-time homeowners, you lack the behind-the-scenes knowledge of home construction. If you’re unaware of this, there’s the risk of improper construction, bad design, potential overcharge, and even legal issues.

In reality, building a Rio Grande Valley custom home is a journey. It’s a journey that requires meticulous planning and sagacious accountability. In this article, let’s explore the entire journey from start to finish.

Planning and Permits

The home design architects are reviewing the house plan draft, the project commissioned by the client, and the custom design before delivery. Interior design and decoration ideas.Before the first brick is laid and the shovel is put to the ground, building a home involves thorough planning. This is especially true if you’re building a custom home in Rio Grande Valley.

First things first, you’d need land. If you haven’t purchased a land already, you’ve got some shopping to do. Consider factors like size, elevation (flood risk), and proximity to amenities.

Lands in RGV (and the rest of the US) are linked to zoning laws. The Rio Grande Valley (RGV) doesn’t have one set of zoning laws. Each city and county has its own regulations, but many follow similar structures. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Zoning Codes: Think of these as zoning maps that divide the city or county into zones. Each zone has specific rules about what kind of structures can be built there.
  • Residential Zones (R-1, R-2, R-3): These zones are typically for homes. R-1 is the quietest, with large lots for single-family homes only. R-2 allows for duplexes or fourplexes, while R-3 might include low-rise apartment buildings depending on the specific code.
  • Commercial Zones (C-1, C-2): These zones are designated for businesses. C-1 might be for smaller shops and offices, while C-2 allows for larger stores or warehouses.
  • Other Zones: There could be zones for industrial uses, agriculture, or even open space.

When you’re obtaining permits, your home must comply with the zoning laws. Your home builder, with local expertise can assist further in this regard.

Once permits are done, then comes planning. This is where you and the builder draft the blueprint. This is your home’s technical roadmap, created by an architect or designer. It details everything from room layout to plumbing to outdoor landscape.

Besides the blueprint, you must plan for financing. This ensures you and the builder are on the same page regarding budget.

Laying the Foundation

Worker measure construction on building site of frame houseA sturdy home that can withstand the tougher climates of RGV requires a strong foundation. Imagine the concrete base of your house – that’s the foundation. The footing spreads the weight of the structure evenly, and the slab is the actual floor base.

The prerequisite to laying the concrete foundation involves clearing the land, grading (leveling) it, and maybe even soil testing to ensure a strong base for your home.

At this stage, the crew will install the footings. These act as the ground support system that prevents your home from sinking.

The concrete that’s poured in requires some time to settle in (technically called curing). During this time, there’s zero activity on site, and the crew works on other aspects.

Waterproofing and Plumbing

Once the concrete is cured, the construction crew applies the waterproof membrane to the walls. This membrane prevents water leakage and related damage. Thus, it’s advised to employ high-quality membranes.

Alongside that, the crew will install plumbing components like drains, sewer systems, and water taps.

Building Up

Top view. Man is installing new laminated wooden floorIn the next phase, the building starts to take shape. The crew will install the skeletal structure of your house with lumber for walls, floors, and roofs.

Post that, they will be adding a protective layer (sheathing) to the frame and then wrapping the entire house in a special paper or material to keep out the elements.

The last part is this phase is the roof. Roof trusses (pre-built triangular supports) are installed, followed by chosen roofing materials like shingles or tile.

This phase can take one to two months, depending on the house plan.

The Phase of MEP Systems

While a lot goes into this phase, the focus is on MEP. MEP stands for Mechanical (HVAC), Electrical, and Plumbing. This is where the hidden magic happens – professionals install the ductwork for heating and cooling, electrical wiring, and plumbing pipes for all your water needs.

Also, the interior walls are built, creating the final room layout. Doors are often hung at this stage along with windows.

Insulation and Drywall

Window construction glaziery process for woodhouseThe summers can go out of hand in RGV. Good insulation ensures you can keep the indoors cooler. This also makes the home more efficient and reduces the HVAC bill.

The majority of the homes are insulated with exterior walls, the attic, and the floor. The crew will work towards that and apply insulation materials like fiberglass, foam, and cellulose.

Along with that, drywall boards are put up and taped to create smooth interior walls and ceilings.

Interior and Exterior Fixtures

Interior and exterior fixtures are typically installed during the “Bringing Your Home to Life” phase, which happens after the rough framing is complete and before the finishing touches. Timing is important since the house is still under construction, and fixtures can be easily damaged by dust, debris, or accidental bumps. Installing them later minimizes this risk.

For the interior, workers will install hardware like doorknobs, window handles, lighting, cabinets and countertops, and bathroom fixtures.

The exterior involves working on things like the garage door, outdoor lighting, and the vintage mailbox with your name printed on it.

Exterior Landscaping and Hardscaping

Landscaping and hardscaping are the final touches that transform your house into a beautiful and functional home from the outside. They add personality, improve functionality, and can even increase your property value.

You can have an underground sprinkler system that ensures your plants get the water they need, which is especially important in the RGV’s hot and dry climate. You can later plant the shrubs and flowers of your choice later.

For hardscaping, concrete, pavers, or flagstone can be used to create patios for entertaining, walkways for easy access, or even stepping stones through a garden. If your property has elevation changes, retaining walls can be built to hold back soil and create level areas.

Ultimately, the choice is yours. The construction team will follow your preference. The cost to build a custom home in RGV is high; hence, take your time and be specific with your requirements.

Flooring Installation

Flooring is the penultimate step that happens towards the very end of the home construction after the messy works are done. With everything else in place, like walls, cabinets, and countertops, measurements for flooring can be more precise, ensuring a perfect fit.

The process of flooring installation starts with the subfloor. The subfloor, which is the base layer under your final flooring material, is inspected and prepped. This might involve leveling uneven surfaces or adding moisture barriers, depending on the type of flooring chosen.

Then, the chosen flooring material (wood, carpet, tile, etc.) is installed. This can involve gluing, nailing, or clicking the pieces together.

Flooring usually takes a few days to a week.

Final Stretch

The final stretch is the 1% of the work and involves things like customization, inspection, and final walk-through. This is your chance to inspect the finished product and point out any minor touch-ups needed before you move in.

So take your time and consult with your home builder for a perfect home.

Build Your Rio Grande Valley Custom Home Today!

Remember, this is a simplified overview. Depending on your project’s complexity, the process and timeline can vary. But hopefully, this gives you a good idea of the exciting journey that goes into building your dream home in the Rio Grande Valley! For a better understanding, talk to a luxury custom home builder today!

Trevino Construction is one of the leading luxury custom home builders known for its state-of-the-art ideas and execution. Contact us to learn more.

10 Questions to Ask Your Custom Home Builder

Renovation supervisor or builder in hardhat meets with happy young woman homeowner and shows her painting and decorating process in new empty house or apartment, with ladder and bucket in background

So you’ve decided to build a custom home for yourself and your family? Great.

A custom home allows you to personalize your home as per your preference. It’s a great way to showcase your creativity and fulfill your needs that ready-to-move houses may not meet.

The next step is choosing a custom home builder. Truth be told, it’s easier said than done. It’s a high-stakes task that requires you to quiz like FBI officers to contractors.

In this article, we will list 10 questions you must ask potential customer home builders before handing over your luxury custom home project.

1.    How long have you been building custom homes in RGV?

Mature woman engineer constructor talking phone with client while works on project from home office

The first thing you’d want to ask a custom home builder in Rio Grande Valley is how long they’ve been in the business. Usually, experience equates to expertise. For building your dream home, you should work with folks who have the expertise to handle the complexities that come with custom home construction.

Seasoned builders (think 10+ years) have likely encountered and overcome most challenges that can arise during construction. Think of unexpected soil conditions, tricky layouts, or integrating complex features like home theaters. Their experience acts as a vast problem-solving toolbox, ensuring they can navigate obstacles efficiently and effectively.

The builders should also have sufficient experience in the local market, i.e., the place where they’re building the house.

Thus, ask for the established date, the date of incorporation, website details, affiliations, portfolio, and references, among other things. Get to know them better and their work.

2.    What recent projects have you completed?

You’d have to ask for builders’ portfolios to gauge their competence and experience in the field. But put focus on the most recent projects. The latest projects demonstrate how well they are in tune with the market needs of today.

Most custom home builders have a portfolio section on their website or have a brochure displaying the same. So ask for them. You should go over 3-5 recent projects they have completed. If possible, visit the property once to get a good look over everything. Does their style align with your vision? Look for variety and the ability to handle projects similar to yours in size and complexity.

3.    What safety protocols do you follow?

Builder And Inspector Looking At New Property

Safety always comes first – not only for you but for the on-site workers. Therefore, safety protocols are among the first questions you should ask custom home builders.

Remember, accidents on a construction site can lead to lawsuits. A builder with a poor safety record puts you at greater risk of legal and financial burdens. Therefore, ask about the past mishaps the builder may have experienced and how they are tackling those mishaps.

A strong safety record is a good indicator, but it’s also crucial to understand the specific safety protocols a builder follows. Does the builder have a process for identifying potential hazards on the job site and implementing preventative measures? This could include proper fall protection, trench safety protocols, and safe handling of hazardous materials.

Builders must provide and enforce the use of appropriate PPE, such as hard hats, safety glasses, gloves, and steel-toed boots. PPE is essential for protecting workers from injuries.

So go over the safety protocols builders are going to employ.

4.    Are you familiar with local laws on building custom homes?

Every locality has its own set of building codes that govern everything from structural integrity and fire safety to plumbing and electrical systems. For example, McAllen requires you to obtain a building permit before constructing a custom home. To obtain this, you’ll need to submit detailed plans of your home along with proof that it complies with building codes and any local zoning regulations in your specific city or county.

A builder who is familiar with the local laws ensures you get the permit on time and attracts no legal penalties down the line.

Therefore, inquire about the home builder’s knowledge of the local laws and if they can guarantee compliance with those laws.

5.    How do you handle site cleanup and waste management?

A construction site can be a minefield of debris – scrap lumber, protruding nails, and leftover building materials. When you enter your dream custom home, you want to enter a home that’s clean and free from pollutants. Therefore, site cleanup and waste management should be the task of the builder. And more important, they should dispose of it by adhering to the local waste laws.

Inquire about their strategies for reducing waste, how they handle different types of waste, and their compliance with local regulations. What percentage of your construction waste is recycled? How do you handle hazardous materials on-site?

You should get more clarity on such issues.

6.    How do you ensure the quality of your subcontractors and materials?

Wood Home Framing Abstract At Construction Site.

Custom homes are complex projects that often require specialists like electricians, plumbers, and roofers. The quality of the subcontractors a builder uses directly impacts the final product of your dream home.

So, unless you’re sourcing those services, you should ask the builder about the subcontractors involved.

Request a list of subcontractors the builder regularly works with and ask about their selection criteria. Inquire about the suppliers they use for materials and their quality assurance processes. If you visit previous projects completed by the builder, you should assess the quality of materials and workmanship firsthand.

7.    How will you keep me updated on the project’s progress?

Construction engineer and architect in vest and helmet discussing blueprint with construction manager, standing on construction site

Regular updates from your builder are crucial for maintaining open communication and fostering trust throughout the process. Knowing the project is progressing smoothly and according to the timeline can alleviate potential anxieties.

So go ahead and inquire about their update process. They might give a brief at the end of the week or send daily updates through email/chat.

Regular communication empowers you to stay connected to the project’s progress. You’ll be aware of upcoming milestones, potential delays, and any decisions that might require your input.

8.    How are your payments structured?

The cost to build a custom home in RGV is significantly high, and a clear understanding of the payment schedule is vital for proper financial planning.

In the construction industry, invoicing is an aspect that fluctuates the most. Some builders take half of the amount upfront, while others demand less upfront capital. A well-defined payment schedule eliminates any potential confusion about what’s expected from you financially throughout the project. This transparency helps avoid unexpected invoices or cash flow issues that could disrupt the construction process.

9.    Do you offer warranties?

Warranties are a testament to quality and superior workmanship. Builders that do top-notch work and engage the best subcontractors do not shy away from offering warranties. A solid warranty protects you from unexpected financial burdens in the event of defects or malfunctions.

Therefore, ask if the custom home builder offers any warranties. Please note construction backed by warranties may call for a premium construction price. But in any case, it’s well worth it.

10. How do you handle conflict?

Construction projects involve many moving parts, and unforeseen situations can pop up. Delays, rise in material cost, natural disasters, anything can happen. Moreover, you may find out that the work being done isn’t up to mark.

A good contractor should be open to discussions and differences in opinion. Therefore, ask builders how they engage with conflicts. By asking how they handle conflict, you’re gauging their ability to work collaboratively with you and other parties involved (subcontractors, architects, and others) to reach a solution that benefits everyone.

Choose the Right Custom Home Builder

Asking the 10 questions mentioned above will help you find the right luxury custom home builder to work with. Besides that, do not hesitate to ask questions specific to your case.

That said, Trevino Construction ticks all the right boxes when it comes to experience, safety protocols, local expertise, local laws, construction materials, warranties, waste management, and more. Contact us today to learn more about our construction process.

Building Homes for Multigenerational Living

Multi generational family cover

In recent times, there has been a notable shift in living arrangements in families. Pew research revealed that a quarter of all adults between 25 and 34 years of age now live in a multigenerational living situation.

Multigenerational living involves many generations of the family, such as grandparents, parents, and children, staying under one roof.

Changes in population demographics, economic factors, and socio-cultural values have made multigenerational living increasingly common.

This change brought about not only a change in family structure and dynamics but also the shape and design of homes. With everyone living in close proximity, it is essential to design a home in a way that ensures harmony, connectivity, and privacy.

So, if you are considering living in a multigenerational custom home, this article digs deeper into its importance, design considerations, best practices, and more. Read on to find out.

Cheerful family spending good time together while cooking in kitchen

What is the Significance of a Multigenerational Home?

A custom multigenerational home gives you the liberty to design your living space in a way that suits your family members and your personal needs.

With proper and practical designs, careful planning of your multigenerational home can be perfect to accommodate all the different personalities and characters of the generations that are living together.

A well-thought-out design will create a living space that is comfortable, functional, and supportive.

For example,

  • Senior citizens would require grab bars in the bathrooms and stairs, or even wheelchair accessibility, as well as large doorways to accommodate them.
  • Children will require a dedicated play area for them to free creative.
  • Young adults will need private spaces for studying, working remotely and unwinding with friends.
  • Moreover, shared spaces should also be designed in a way that creates room for interaction and connectivity without feeling restrictive.

You don’t need an overly large house to live comfortably in a multigenerational home, but enough space is essential to make the house feel a sense of openness. Therefore, the key factors to making a multigenerational home a success are its size and layout.

Unique Options for a Customised Multigenerational Home

Designing a custom home in Rio Grande Valley with multigenerational living in mind offers various options, such as incorporating a casita or an in-law suite.

Tiny houses and apartments above garages with private entrances are also popular choices, providing family members with privacy and independence while staying close to each other. However, in some cases, adding extra structures may not be feasible, which calls for alternative solutions. AARP recommends converting a garage, rebuilding a basement, and using the unused attic space if you are running out of space.

Additionally, homes can be designed with separate living areas for different generations, ensuring flexibility for future needs. Collaborating with a custom home builder will bring about the creation of a comfortable and cohesive multigenerational living environment designed specifically to the family’s requirements.

Some living options for a multigenerational home are:

  • Dual-Key Home: This home involves two separate living spaces with different entrances under one roof. This is perfect for families that want privacy while living together.
  • Attached Home: A second house attached to the main one can also provide independence while living in close proximity.
  • Granny Flats: These are self-contained living spaces that are built on the same property as the main house. These houses best suit elderly parents or adult children who want privacy.
  • Two-Story Home: Separate living spaces on each floor can accommodate multiple generations under one roof. This is an ideal situation for different generations to live together in one house.

Stylish home

Features of Multigenerational Custom Homes

Multigenerational homes offer unique features that cannot be found in any other type of house. These special features that are incorporated in a home where people of different generations live are:

1. Functional design

One of the key features of a multigenerational home is creating a functional design that meets the needs of all family members. This includes considering certain factors such as accessibility, safety, and ease of navigation for senior citizens or those with special abilities.

Moreover, adding flexible living spaces that can adapt to changing family dynamics is a plus point. For example, a separate attached home or living area for grandparents may give them privacy and independence while still being able to interact with other family members frequently.

2. Private and shared spaces

With a multigenerational home, there is a need to balance the need for privacy with ample opportunity for shared activities. Allowing each family unit its own private living areas, such as bedrooms and bathrooms, will ensure that everyone has their own space to retreat and relax.

At the same time, shared living spaces such as a spacious kitchen, dining area, or family room will give room for bonding and social interaction among family members. You can also consider adding outdoor living areas or communal gardens where family members can get together for outdoor activities or meals.

3. Separate entrances and living areas

Providing different entrances and living areas for different generations can help maintain a sense of independence within the household. This allows each family unit to come and go as they please without disturbing other members of the household.

Family With Senior Parents And Adult Offspring Relaxing In Lounge At Home Together

4. Flexible use of space

Designing the space and layout is key for multigenerational living. Spaces that can serve multiple functions and adapt to changing needs over time give families the flexibility to make the most of their living areas.

You can consider adding features like movable partitions, fold-down beds, or convertible furniture. This versatility ensures that the home can grow and evolve along with the family.

5. Emphasis on connection

While privacy and independence are important, it’s also essential to create areas for connection and bonding among family members. Add features such as open floor plans, communal gathering spaces, and outdoor living areas to create a sense of togetherness within the household.

6. Integration of technology

Adding advanced technology features into the home can enhance its convenience, safety, and connectivity for multigenerational families. Smart home features such as programmable thermostats, home security systems, and voice-activated assistants can help improve the overall quality and comfort of life.

7. Environmental considerations

With the threat of climate change looming large, building sustainable and energy-efficient homes will not only reduce the environmental impact but also provide long-term cost savings. Having features such as solar panels, energy-efficient appliances, and high-performance insulation can also significantly reduce utility bills.

Additionally, using eco-friendly building materials and design strategies can contribute to a healthier indoor environment and minimize the home’s carbon footprint.

8. Community amenities and services

An important aspect of multigenerational living is its surrounding community and available amenities. There is an added advantage if you live close to essential services such as healthcare facilities, schools, grocery stores, and recreational opportunities that can enhance your quality of life.

Additionally, access to public transportation and community spaces such as parks, libraries, and community centers can provide opportunities for socialization and engagement with a wider community.

9. Future planning

Finally, when building homes for multigenerational living, it’s important to think long-term and plan for future needs. Features such as universal design principles, aging-in-place modifications, and adaptable spaces can help ensure that the home remains functional and comfortable when family members age or life changes.

Considering the cost of building a custom home in RGV, multigenerational homes are cost-effective as they facilitate multiple generations to live under a single roof.

Happy family having lunch in the garden on a sunny day.

Build Your Multigenerational Custom Home With Us!

Trevino Construction understands that building homes for a multigenerational home requires thoughtful planning along with a focus on creating spaces that promote harmony, privacy, and connection.

By adding functional design elements, accessibility features, flexible living spaces, and opportunities for growth and change, multigenerational homes can provide a supportive and nurturing environment for families of all ages and backgrounds.

So, if you want to convert your custom home to support multigenerational living or build one from scratch, Trevino Construction is here to help. We are one of the leading luxury custom home builders known for our state-of-the-art ideas and execution. Our homes blend privacy and communal spaces, offering adaptable layouts for comfort and functionality. Contact us today to learn more.

How to Prepare Your McAllen Luxury Home for the Changing Season

Happy family cleans the room in the house

McAllen offers a unique experience of mild, warm winters and vibrant summers. Although extreme weather conditions are a rare occurrence, these subtle seasonal shifts can impact your luxury home. Thus, it is important to ensure that your home remains comfortable, efficient, and safe throughout the year.

Gearing up for proactive seasonal changes can enhance your living experience, prepare you for unexpected changes in the weather, and preserve your property’s value.

In this article, let’s look at some important tips on how to prepare your home throughout the year to welcome the different seasons.

Bucket with cleaning supplies on floor indoors

Preparing Your Home for Spring

When the cold of winter starts to fade, nature and our spirits become revitalized by the feeling of growth and renewal. As everything around us springs up with new life from the new year, we also need to revitalize our homes inside and out.

According to Forbes, a spring cleaning checklist should consist of window washing, vacuuming and cleaning rugs, replacing lightbulbs, and cleaning the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and living room.

Here are some tips on how you can prepare for spring:

Spring cleaning

Winters can be dry and, therefore, dusty. So, deep cleaning your home can be beneficial for your mood and your health. Open up your windows, and clean the glass, window panes, and baseboards. Don’t forget to inspect your screens for damages and repair them to prevent insects from entering the house.

Inspect the outdoors

Check your entire house and roof for any signs of damage or wear and tear. According to the Texas Department of Insurance, you can maintain your roof by:

  • Removing tree limbs, if any, around your roof
  • Checking if there are any damaged or missing shingles, especially if your area witnessed a storm recently
  • Seeing if there are any loose bricks in your chimney
  • Ensuring gutters are not clogged

You can schedule a professional to maintain and repair any visible damage to ensure structural integrity.

Prepare your outdoor space

McAllen is known for its outdoor activities, so prepare your patio furniture, fire pit, and outdoor kitchen area. You can also pressure wash exterior surfaces to remove all the winter grime and accumulated dust and reveal a clean and vibrant surface.

HVAC care

Schedule a professional maintenance service for your air conditioning unit. This will help to maintain its operational efficiency before the summer heat arrives. Remember to regularly clean the air filters as well throughout the year to maintain the functionality of the unit.

Power save LED lamp changing

Preparing Your Home for Summer

August can be the warmest month of the year, with temperatures reaching 86.4 °F. With the rising temperatures, it is very important to prepare your home to embrace the heat so you can enjoy a comfortable summer. Get your home ready for a summer of outdoor fun and relaxation.

From maintaining your air conditioning systems for optimal cooling to enhancing energy efficiency and creating fun outdoor living spaces, here are important tips on how to prepare your home for the summer season:

HVAC maintenance

Make sure your HVAC unit is functioning properly, and schedule a professional inspection to ensure that it is in optimal condition. Southern Living recommends you clean or replace air filters as it will improve indoor air quality and maximize cooling efficiency. Also, clear out any debris or vegetation growth from the outdoor unit to promote unrestricted airflow.

Energy efficiency enhancement

Put blackout blinds, curtains, or solar shades on the south-facing windows to minimize heat gain and block out excess sunlight. You can also upgrade to energy-efficient appliances and LED lighting to lower electricity consumption and minimize utility costs. You can also consider installing an indoor thermostat to keep the indoor temperature in check and lower energy waste.

Clean the gutters

Rio Grande Valley often experiences occasional downpours during the summer season, so it is best to clean out your gutters and ensure smooth functioning. This will help you avoid water damage to your gutters. Also, remember to trim back tree branches that can potentially scratch against your roof or windows during strong winds.

Enhance insulation

Consider adding or repairing the insulation to your attic, walls, and crawl spaces. This can help you minimize heat gain in summer and also make your house more energy efficient.

Insulation underfloor laying work on the second floor

Preparing Your Home for Fall

As leaves begin to fall, days become shorter, and temperatures become cooler, it’s time to turn your home into a warm and cozy living space. It is essential to start transitioning your HVAC systems, enhance indoor comfort, and prepare for autumn. Here are a few tips to start preparing your home for fall:

Transitioning your HVAC system

Switch your system from cooling to heating mode by adjusting the thermostat. This is also the best time to schedule and get your HVAC serviced professionally.

Check seals and weather stripping

Maintaining energy efficiency is important to keep the heat trapped indoors and lower utility bills during cold seasons. Thus, it’s essential to inspect or replace weather stripping around doors and windows if it appears dried or cracked.

You can replace them yourself using online guides or seek professional assistance. Additionally, inspect for cracked seals on floors, walls, and ceilings, as even minor cracks can impact HVAC performance. Use caulk and putty to seal any cracks found to ensure optimal temperature regulation throughout your home.

Add insulation

Adding or enhancing insulation in your home will significantly improve energy efficiency as it will minimize heat loss in the colder months. You can also invest in energy-efficient windows or doors to further enhance insulation and reduce energy costs.

Fireplace maintenance

If you use a fireplace during the cold season, it’s important to give it and the mantle some attention before lighting any fires. Start by inspecting the chimney for accumulated wood residue and creosote buildup, which can pose a fire hazard if left unchecked.

Additionally, check for signs of wear and tear, such as flue blockages or other damages, and address them promptly. Don’t forget to examine the chimney top for any bird nests or other obstructions that could hinder proper ventilation. Finally, consider renovating the fireplace mantle to ensure optimal heat distribution throughout your home.

Smart security updates

House fires during winter are a common occurrence because of the use of candles, fireplaces, and heaters. Therefore, fall is the best time to start installing smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. These smart security gadgets will safeguard you during the winter months.

If you already have them in place, call a professional for servicing or maintenance to check the electrical connections and replace the batteries if needed.

Technician is checking air conditioner

Winterizing Your Home

January is the coldest month of the year in McAllen. Hence, it becomes essential to prepare your luxury home to withstand the challenges of the colder months while maintaining comfort as you prepare for holiday festivities.

From insulating outdoor fixtures to ensuring efficient heating systems, here are a few tips on preparing your home for the cold winter months:

Remove outdoor pipes

Remove all outdoor hoses and ensure they are thoroughly drained to prevent damage. Store them in a warmer area, like a garage or basement. Also, remember to cover and insulate all outdoor pipes and faucets to prevent freezing and potential bursts during cold snaps.

Manage your irrigation system

Cutting off the water supply from your irrigation system will help to prevent freezing and bursting.

Prevent water damage

Let indoor faucets drip during freezing temperatures and open cabinet doors to circulate warm air around pipes, especially those on exterior walls. This will prevent freezing.

Seal cracks and crevices

Weatherstripping and caulking are effective ways to prevent cold air from infiltrating your home during the winter months. This not only helps to keep you cozy but also translates to lower energy bills and reduced carbon emissions. Also, proper sealing can help preserve the integrity of your home’s structure by preventing moisture buildup and potential damage caused by fluctuating temperatures. Whether it’s sealing around windows and doors, filling gaps in baseboards, or caulking around pipes and electrical outlets, taking the time to address these areas can make a significant difference in your home’s energy efficiency and overall comfort.

HVAC maintenance

Change furnace filters regularly to improve airflow and efficiency. Schedule a tune-up with an HVAC professional to ensure optimal furnace performance and detect and solve potential issues.

Home inspector

The Value of Professional Inspections for Long-term Upkeep

The cost to build a custom home in RGV lies in the range of $260,000 to $400,000. Hence, professional inspections are invaluable for maintaining your luxury home. Here’s how professional inspections help:


Professionals have the know-how to spot issues that you might overlook. They can also suggest preventive measures to avoid future repairs.


Professionals can carry out inspections and maintenance tasks more quickly and effectively than most homeowners.

Peace of Mind

Regular inspections offer reassurance that your home is well-maintained and any issues are caught early. This allows for prompt repairs, preventing minor problems from becoming major headaches.

Build Your Luxury Home With Us!

Owning a luxury home in McAllen, Texas, comes with the responsibility of maintaining its comfort and efficiency throughout the changing seasons. From scorching summers to mild winters, each season brings unique challenges that require proactive preparation.

By following these essential guidelines, you can ensure that your McAllen luxury home remains comfortable and efficient all year round. Got any query? Stuck anywhere? Contact one of the leading luxury custom home buildersTrevino Luxury, today for any professional assistance.

Finding Home Sweet Home: Top 5 Neighborhoods to Live in the Rio Grande Valley

Real Estate Agent Showing a Beautiful Big House to a Young Successful Couple. People Standing Outside on a Warm Day on a Lawn, Talking with Businesswoman, Discussing Buying a New Home.

The Rio Grande Valley (RGV) in Texas is a vibrant region comprising several cities and communities along the Rio Grande River. Compared to many other parts of the US, the RGV boasts a lower cost of living, with housing, groceries, and transportation being more affordable. This can be a significant advantage for retirees or those on a budget. But it’s equally good for job seekers and millennials.

The key to finding the right amenities and standard of living in RGV is to find the right neighborhood to live in. In this article, we will explore the top 5 neighborhoods for your Rio Grand Valley home.

Adult parents with charming girl sitting on bench in big light shopping mall with colorful paper bags and smiling

1.    Royal Oak Estates, McAllen

McAllen is the main city in the RGV region and it’s the go-to city for people moving into the area. It’s the financial and cultural hub in the area and is also known for its shopping, dining, and entertainment options.

While there are many neighborhoods to choose from in McAllen, one of the most sought-after ones is Royal Oak Estates.

Royal Oak Estates is a well-established subdivision nestled in the northeast part of McAllen, Texas. The neighborhood is known for being well-maintained and having a strong sense of community.

One of the defining features of Royal Oak Estates is its many oak trees, lining the streets and creating a picturesque setting. The community enforces covenants that ensure a consistent aesthetic throughout the neighborhood. Trash pickup and garages are located in the back alleys, adding to the clean and clutter-free feel of the streets.

Royal Oak Estates is a mature community with a total of 93 homes, many of which are custom homes. It primarily consists of single-family homes, which means most of the living areas range from 2400 square feet to 3000 square feet. Typically, these homes feature at least four bedrooms and three bathrooms, along with two-car garages. This makes it a great option for families or those seeking spacious living.

The locality gives easy access to the rest of McAllen as it’s located next to the intersection of N Col Rowe Blvd and W Trenton Rd.

Being a prime neighborhood in McAllen, the availability is usually low. But there are listings, nevertheless. Just keep an eye open on the local real estate market.

2.    London Court, McAllen

About 2 miles south of Royal Oak Estates lies London Court. It’s another peaceful and well-maintained neighborhood in McAllen that is both family-friendly and provides access to all major amenities in the city. So, if you miss out on Royal Oak Estates, you can target London Court.

McAllen is home to highly-rated public schools, making it a great choice for families with school-aged children. Some of the educational institutes near London Court are:

  • McAllen Memorial High School
  • Generations Academy Pre-School
  • Gonzalez Elementary School
  • Pablo Perez Elementary School

McAllen also boasts beautiful weather year-round, making it perfect for outdoor adventures. Enjoy splashing around in Schlitterbahn Waterpark, exploring the trails at Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park, or visiting the McAllen Nature Center – all of which are accessible from London Court neighborhood.

The median real estate price in London Court is $393,492, making it 72% more expensive than the Texan median. This suggests the high demand for the locality. While it may not be affordable per se, it’s a great investment, nevertheless, if you can pay for it. The demand is only going to go up. And with customization, you can even resell for a higher price down the line.

Boy learning to ride a bicycle with his father in park.

3.    Los Lagos DR, Edinburg

Other than McAllen, another prominent city in the Rio Grande Valley region is Edinburg. Edinburg is a vibrant city in the Rio Grande Valley known for its youthful atmosphere, cultural richness, and family-friendly environment.

Home to the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Edinburg boasts a youthful energy and a lively college-town atmosphere. This translates to a diverse population, a plethora of restaurants and cafes catering to young adults, and a vibrant arts scene.

One of the sought-after neighborhoods in Edinburg is Los Lagos, DR. It’s not as expensive as some of the other neighborhoods like Alma Colonia, where the median home value often touches $500,000. Nor is it a locality devoid of supermarkets and schools. Instead, it’s in the middle, slightly leaning towards the upscale market. The cost to build a custom home in RGV is in the $350,000 to $400,000 range.

It is mere minutes from Edinburg downtown and you have shopping centers like Fairhaven Shopping Center and Hopewell Mall within a few miles.

Its proximity to McAllen Miller International Airport and Valley International Airport also helps. Thus, if you’re looking to call Edinburg your home, consider Los Lagos, DR.

4.    Pharr

For those looking for more affordable options, Pharr is a great option. Pharr is a dynamic and welcoming city that offers a unique living experience. The best part is most of its neighborhoods are moderately priced. Thus, you can construct your custom dream home from the ground up.

Living in Pharr, Texas, offers a unique blend of affordability, cultural vibrancy, and convenient access to the Rio Grande Valley’s amenities. Situated right on the US-Mexico border, Pharr pulsates with a rich international atmosphere. This is evident in the diverse restaurants serving authentic Mexican cuisine and the vibrant music scene with influences from both sides of the border.

Besides affordability, Pharr offers excellent employment and entrepreneurial opportunities. The city boasts a growing economy with a strong focus on international trade and commerce. This translates to a variety of job opportunities and a sense of optimism about the city’s future.

Despite its international flair, Pharr offers a strong sense of community and a family-friendly environment. There are good schools, numerous parks and playgrounds, and a variety of recreational activities for all ages. The city also organizes family-oriented events throughout the year.

So, if you’re looking for more affordability, select Pharr as your new home. South Pharr is considered cheaper than other neighborhoods. But you can consider West Ridge Estates, Crystal Estates, and Las Milpas, which are moderately priced and offer optimal convenience.

boy and his father fishing together from a pier

5.    Los Fresnos

Another city in Rio Grande Valley filled with welcoming neighborhoods is Los Fresnos. About an hour’s drive from McAllen, Los Fresnos is popular among those who prefer tranquility and a slow pace of life. If you crave wide-open spaces and a slower rhythm, Los Fresnos could be your perfect fit.

Moreover, Los Fresnos is located just a short drive away from the Gulf Coast, offering residents easy access to coastal attractions. So think of beaches, fishing piers, and wildlife refuges. You can enjoy unlimited recreational activities such as fishing, boating, and beachcombing within a reasonable distance from home.

Because there are fewer people, the properties tend to be priced cheaper. The median home value is $316,000, but you can get homes as low as $230,000 by opting for more secluded neighborhoods.

Despite its small size, Los Fresnos offers essential amenities and services to meet residents’ needs, including grocery stores, restaurants, healthcare facilities, and recreational facilities. The city’s downtown area features local businesses, shops, and eateries that contribute to its unique charm and character.

Niche names Los Fresnon as the 7th best suburb to raise a family in the Brownsville area. So, if you’ve got a family and want a desirable neighborhood in RGV, head over to Los Fresnos.

Build Your Luxury Custom Rio Grande Valley Home With Us!

So, these were the top 5 neighborhoods you can choose from to build Rio Grande Valley homes. Here is a pro tip: when selecting a neighborhood, expert help can go a long way. They know the industry inside-out and come with the required experience for handling a big investment like your dream home.

Looking for professional custom home builders? Get a free consultation from a luxury custom home builder in RGV. Contact us today to learn more.

A Year in Review: The Luxury Home Market in McAllen

Wooden houses and magnifying glass. Property valuation. Home appraisal. Choice of location for the construction. House searching concept. Search for housing and apartments. Real estate

McAllen is a city with a growing economy and vibrant culture. The landscape of McAllen has undergone significant shifts in the landscape of upscale living. Since 2012, McAllen has been one of the fastest-growing cities, proving that it is a leader in real estate and is not subjected to volatile market shifts like the rest of the country. This trend has continued today and contributed to the growth in real estate – especially the development of luxury homes.

Over the past year, the luxury real estate market has changed quite a bit.

Full set of interior furnished apartment in modern condominium with patio, balcony, terrace in Montreal, Quebec, Canada

New Trails in Design

There has been a discernable shift towards embracing eco-friendly and sustainable architectural designs. Energy efficiency, smart home technologies, and nature-centric designs have become a hallmark of these new luxury developments. As green building practices are expensive, they are the core of building eco-friendly luxury homes and reduce dependence on non-renewable sources.

Homes Becoming More Luxurious

 During 2023, smaller luxury homes are becoming more popular with buyers. Smaller luxury homes sold 19% faster than larger ones in 2022, influencing the luxury home market 2023. As these are lower prices than larger luxury homes, 26% of transactions were cash sales, as buyers pay in cash for luxury homes.

Moving house, relocation. Man open new room in new apartment, inside the room was a cardboard box containing personal belongings and furniture. move in the apartment or condominium

Homes with a Seamless Fusion of Indoors and Outdoors

There has been a pronounced emphasis on creating homes that offer a flow-over living space from indoors to outdoors. Formal rooms are outdated, and preference is given to more casual, relaxed living areas with indoor spaces that integrate with the outdoors, facilitated by sliding doors, stacking glass doors, and floor-to-ceiling windows.

More Opportunities for Buyers

Since October 2023, the luxury home market has shown an increase in the number of sold properties. Family home sales rose from 2.73% to 7.72%. This indicates that there is resilience in the luxury market arena. Investors are adding to their portfolios, and there was a 10% increase in individuals obtaining three or more luxury homes. The luxury real estate market is becoming more globalized. Real estate offers reliability and stability to investors who hold on to their assets, and due to the strong US $, investors from China, India, Canada, and Mexico increased their portfolios of luxury real estate.

Close-up image of engineers counting estimate cost of constrution project

Building Cost Dynamics

There has been a steady increase in building material prices throughout the year. The rise in building costs has presented challenges for developers and homeowners. Yet, according to the Comprehensive Housing Market analysis, sales of luxury homes increased by 3%, and the average sale price was up 7%. There is an optimistic forecast for 2024 as demand increases for new luxury homes.

Booming Landscape with Positive Forecast

During 2023, McAllen witnessed rapid development and an expansion in the luxury home market. The positive trend in the growth of luxury homes will likely continue. The focus on sustainability, technology integration, personalized development, and innovation with affordability will positively impact the development of luxury homes in 2024. With growth in employment, education and government jobs in McAllen and more people moving to work from home, the need for luxury homes designed to accommodate your needs will increase in 2024.

Consider all your options for a change in lifestyle to a luxury home. Treviño Construction can offer innovations and trends to suit your needs. Contact  Treviño Construction today to see how we can make your dream a reality.

Preparing Your Luxury Home for the Season

family clinking glasses while having christmas dinner

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year…”

The festive season is just around the corner, and there is no better way to celebrate than with family and friends in your luxury home! Transform your place into a magical festive castle in McAllen, Edinburg, or wherever you are to celebrate and enjoy this wonderful festive season. Here are some ideas to bring the enchantment of the festive season right into your home.

“Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.”

Although it is unlikely to get snow in Rio Grande Valley, you can start with the magic in your garden. Clear up leaves and debris from fall and illuminate the flower beds with solar lights in festive red and green colors. Fairy lights in a tree or a topiary can decorate the unique nooks and corners. Make an oversized natural wreath with beautiful yellow, orange, and brown twigs and leaves, and place it in a focal place to enthral your visitors walking through your garden. Have a wreath on the entrance and a welcome mat to invite them from the winter chill into your exquisite luxury home. Be ready to entertain your snowbird friends who want to spend their December holidays in the Sun Belt.

Stylish interior of living room with decorated Christmas tree

“Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but inside, it’s so delightful!”

That first step into your home is that step into the winter wonderland. When visitors enter your house, a majestic Christmas tree with ornaments, tinsel, lights, and a bright star will add that dramatic view. Place it where you have the space to make that statement, whether in the foyer or cozy living room. Use your interior to determine the ideal placement of the tree. Add a special touch by decorating with unique handmade ornaments or decorations that your guests can stop to observe the beauty.

“Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle All the Way…”

Set the mood with background Christmas playlists and holiday favorite songs, or have the songs available on the piano for the guests to join in a sing-along. Ensure to stock your pantry well in advance to serve delicious treats available for guests. Consider an open house-style party when your friends and family can drop in anytime, and you get to see them all during the festive season. Invite them and set times and dates when they can drop in. Have stations with eggnog or hot chocolate, homemade mulled wine, Christmas cookies, and any traditional treats you can prepare beforehand.

Christmas Decoration on the Door

“Who is knocking at my roots? Who is singing at my door?”

Prepare your house to accommodate your guests comfortably. Declutter, donate, store or throw away unwanted items, toys, and clothing to open space. Fix leaking faucets and shutters that don’t close properly. Add extra cushions in front of the fireplace for seating and have a kids’ corner where little ones make decorations or color pictures. Remember the washrooms and place decorative soap in the same Christmas colors. Clear out your fridge and freezer, prepare dishes in advance to freeze, and have them available for overnight guests. Heat your home to provide comfort to all guests.

“Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus, right down Santa Claus Lane… “

Don’t forget the decorations – inside and outside! Pull out your decorations in advance and check your fairy lights are in working order. Have personalized stockings or one for guests with candies and chocolates. Let the natural elements of your luxury home shine through. Use the mantel as the centerpiece of holiday decorations. Arrange a stunning display of candles, garlands, and decorative figures.

Christmas gingerbread stars cookies in a can on a dark background. Close-up. Selective focus.

“I’ll be coming home for Christmas.”

If you’re leaving for a true White Christmas, ensure your house is safe and secure on your return. Arrange with the neighbor to collect post and newspapers, water plants, and feed pets. Unplug and switch off unnecessary appliances, and turn on pre-programmed or motion-censored lights and alarms.

Preparing your luxury home for the holidays starts well in advance. Make lists, plan, and check everything around and inside the house to be efficient and working. Do minor repairs and massive decorations! Incorporate cherished holiday traditions as part of your celebrations. Make your luxury home a beacon of warmth, cheer, and good memories for family and friends!

Wishing you a joyous and festive holiday season filled with love, laughter, and warmth in your luxury home from Trevino Construction., shared with family and friends.

The Benefits of Choosing a Design-Build Firm for Your Luxury Home

Happy builder writing something in hardhat with clipboard in his hands

Building your luxury home is a dream come true for many—creating a space that perfectly matches your lifestyle and goals is the ultimate highlight in life. Designing and constructing your luxury home is complex and overwhelming. The worry, planning, and concerns should be left to expert luxury builders, and you, as the owner, should enjoy the progress and ensure that the detail of your dream is realized. The best option will be to choose a design-build firm that designs and creates tailored homes with high-end materials and exquisite finishes. A design-build firm is a single entity that manages a project’s design and construction phases. Choosing the perfect design-build firm is the ideal start to building your luxury home for the following reasons:

Eliminating Stress

The design-build firm takes the stress away from your project, acting as the project manager from concept to completion. A team of professionals will collaborate on this project – your luxury home – and the project manager will manage the entire project. The designer-builder has all the experts on the team to ask for advice before moving forward. The traditional bid-build design creates more stress to streamline the project and lacks synergy. With experts in luxury building from a design-build firm working on building your dream home, you will continually be updated by communicating directly with one party. The builder and building designer/architect are all from the same company, and they will manage the project to alleviate your stress and ensure everyone is on the same page. The expertise of the builder and building designer creates a stress-free work environment for the team and you.

Frequent and Effective Communication

For your luxury home to meet your requirements, there has to be constant, transparent communication. From the start, a successful building project relies heavily on communication between the parties involved. The designers, contractors, and other workers are all on the same team, getting the same information about the project’s requirements, timeline, progress, budget, and goals. Streamlined communication is essential to ensure the logical progression of various tasks in the building process, with every team member working towards the same purpose. With a design-build firm, there is a natural flow of communication, collaboration, and information within one company. All parties involved are up to date with the progress of the project. Better communication will result in an efficient and productive process.

Businessmen are meeting with contractors about business plans.

Single Source Accountability

When procuring the services of a design-build firm, you will have one contract throughout the project. Signing with one responsible entity – the design-build firm – means the budgeting and scheduling will be synchronized. Cost and time frames can undergo closer consideration and have immediate feedback. Cost and time frames will likely be reduced as the designer and builder consider them one entity. They have access to construction costs and can assess right from the start whether they are accurately planned – following your requirements. Design-build project delivery helps create a streamlined and holistic approach with a single point of responsibility.

Improved Continuity

Having a complete picture of the responsibilities of each area is critical. A design-build team will not have to wait or hand over the project to the next contractor, as they are in charge of all aspects of the construction. A seamline line exists between each phase of the construction process. Teams appreciate every detail and work together to deliver the exact product the owner wants. The owner knows where the project stands and can follow up with the project manager, who is part of the design-build team and is aware of every step.

Shared Expertise and Vision

One of the most significant benefits of the design-build approach is that all team players have the same goal in mind: delivering a project of high quality with the luxurious design functional and aesthetic needs of the client. They are working together as a collaborative united team, knowing what will have the best results for the project and utilizing the best work possible. Industry expertise and collaboration ensure that the experts in each area are involved from the start. With the planning, contractors are present to help design choices and optimize the project budget, timing, and execution. Members of the design team are intimately involved with the construction to keep design themes and goals as planned.

Regulatory Compliance and Warranties

Design-build firms have experience in dealing with all requirements regarding the building process. All contractors and designers are involved and hands-on to ensure that the luxury home they are building for you meets all standards. They will offer warranties and post-construction services to address any issues that may arise after the completion of your home. You have a reliable partner in the team from a reputable design-build firm to deliver the best you expect.


When building your dream luxury home, choose an expert design-build firm. You will have peace of mind that your significant financial investment is in good hands, and professionals are overseeing the project to deliver your luxury home.

Structural Warranties: Understanding What They Are and Why They Matter

Couple with realtor signing mortgage contract

What are Structural Warranties?

A structural warranty, also known as latent defects insurance, is a type of insurance policy designed to protect investors and homeowners from underlying structural defects that may arise after building work completion. Under California Law, the builder must provide a limited written warranty on the quality of completion of cabinets, flooring, mirrors, walls, countertops, and paint finishes – inside and out. It covers the foundation systems, concrete or strip footings, load-bearing brickwork, structural timbers and steel in-wall or roof framing.

Why do I need a structural warranty?Worker, Inspector is check, house inspect, audit, problem point out, advice with checklist and pointing new building with customer or client. Inspection and engineering concept

You want your luxury dream home to be aesthetically pleasing but also sound and durable. When moving into your newly built luxury home, all might seem well, but structural defects can be made evident any time after the construction work finishes. It is, therefore, advisable to have a structural warranty of at least ten years to cover the cost of fixing any issues that may arise.

Mortgage lenders require a structural warranty to sign off on a mortgage. If it is in place, the property sale will be completed on time, even though selling a house under ten years old will be challenging.

A structural warranty offers the following to a homeowner:

  • Quality Assurance: A reputable builder willing to provide a structural warranty is confident in the quality of their work. The structural warranty reflects the quality of work and the lasting construction quality. It ensures the standard of work the contractor delivers is of excellent quality.
  • Long-Term Protection: A structural warranty extends coverage of structural issues experienced due to weather, soil conditions, and settling over time. This warranty gives the homeowner peace of mind that he will be covered and have the backup support of the contractor if anything goes wrong.
  • Legal Protection: Structural defects can lead to disputes between contractors and homeowners. However, the process of a claim and repair can be streamlined with a structural warranty in place. It provides the framework for resolving the issues without lengthy and costly legal battles.

Selecting the Right Structural WarrantiesMaking sure wall is straight

California has several contractor warranties – one-year, four-year, and ten-year warranties. Before signing a structural warranty, you must know what protection they offer, the obligations, and the construction quality that is covered.
Other factors to consider:

  • The Warranty Provider Reputation: Read reviews about the company providing the warranty, ask for references, and ensure they fulfil their warranty obligations.
  • Coverage Detail: Carefully review what structural coverage is included and excluded.
  • Transferability: Check if the warranty can be transferred if you sell your home.
  • Additional Coverage: Consider the extra cost with additional coverage, such as water infiltration or structural design effects.
  • Duration: Verify the warranty time, if it can be extended or renewed, and the cost.

There are different requirements for warranties in California.

  • One-Year Warranty: This warranty covers craft and material. It assures the homeowner that the project will remain defect-free for a year. It includes aesthetic and minor structural issues. It excludes wear and tear, misuse, and homeowner-supplied materials.
  • Four-Year Warranty: This warranty safeguards the homeowner against hidden structural defects and internal system issues such as plumbing and sewer systems.
  • Ten-Year Warranty: This warranty covers the construction durability. Load-bearing components that ensure long-term structural stability are covered.

This article briefly overviews structural warranties and why they are essential when building your luxury home. Contact Trevino Construction for expert advice and guidance to protect your investment in your luxury home for many years.