Category: building a new home

The Journey of Building Your Dream Home in RGV

Building your home from scratch is a moment of joy and self-accomplishment. You’re a few months away from having your own dream home in Rio Grande Valley. But as with most first-time homeowners, you lack the behind-the-scenes knowledge of home construction. If you’re unaware of this, there’s the risk of improper construction, bad design, potential overcharge, and even legal issues.

In reality, building a Rio Grande Valley custom home is a journey. It’s a journey that requires meticulous planning and sagacious accountability. In this article, let’s explore the entire journey from start to finish.

Planning and Permits

The home design architects are reviewing the house plan draft, the project commissioned by the client, and the custom design before delivery. Interior design and decoration ideas.Before the first brick is laid and the shovel is put to the ground, building a home involves thorough planning. This is especially true if you’re building a custom home in Rio Grande Valley.

First things first, you’d need land. If you haven’t purchased a land already, you’ve got some shopping to do. Consider factors like size, elevation (flood risk), and proximity to amenities.

Lands in RGV (and the rest of the US) are linked to zoning laws. The Rio Grande Valley (RGV) doesn’t have one set of zoning laws. Each city and county has its own regulations, but many follow similar structures. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Zoning Codes: Think of these as zoning maps that divide the city or county into zones. Each zone has specific rules about what kind of structures can be built there.
  • Residential Zones (R-1, R-2, R-3): These zones are typically for homes. R-1 is the quietest, with large lots for single-family homes only. R-2 allows for duplexes or fourplexes, while R-3 might include low-rise apartment buildings depending on the specific code.
  • Commercial Zones (C-1, C-2): These zones are designated for businesses. C-1 might be for smaller shops and offices, while C-2 allows for larger stores or warehouses.
  • Other Zones: There could be zones for industrial uses, agriculture, or even open space.

When you’re obtaining permits, your home must comply with the zoning laws. Your home builder, with local expertise can assist further in this regard.

Once permits are done, then comes planning. This is where you and the builder draft the blueprint. This is your home’s technical roadmap, created by an architect or designer. It details everything from room layout to plumbing to outdoor landscape.

Besides the blueprint, you must plan for financing. This ensures you and the builder are on the same page regarding budget.

Laying the Foundation

Worker measure construction on building site of frame houseA sturdy home that can withstand the tougher climates of RGV requires a strong foundation. Imagine the concrete base of your house – that’s the foundation. The footing spreads the weight of the structure evenly, and the slab is the actual floor base.

The prerequisite to laying the concrete foundation involves clearing the land, grading (leveling) it, and maybe even soil testing to ensure a strong base for your home.

At this stage, the crew will install the footings. These act as the ground support system that prevents your home from sinking.

The concrete that’s poured in requires some time to settle in (technically called curing). During this time, there’s zero activity on site, and the crew works on other aspects.

Waterproofing and Plumbing

Once the concrete is cured, the construction crew applies the waterproof membrane to the walls. This membrane prevents water leakage and related damage. Thus, it’s advised to employ high-quality membranes.

Alongside that, the crew will install plumbing components like drains, sewer systems, and water taps.

Building Up

Top view. Man is installing new laminated wooden floorIn the next phase, the building starts to take shape. The crew will install the skeletal structure of your house with lumber for walls, floors, and roofs.

Post that, they will be adding a protective layer (sheathing) to the frame and then wrapping the entire house in a special paper or material to keep out the elements.

The last part is this phase is the roof. Roof trusses (pre-built triangular supports) are installed, followed by chosen roofing materials like shingles or tile.

This phase can take one to two months, depending on the house plan.

The Phase of MEP Systems

While a lot goes into this phase, the focus is on MEP. MEP stands for Mechanical (HVAC), Electrical, and Plumbing. This is where the hidden magic happens – professionals install the ductwork for heating and cooling, electrical wiring, and plumbing pipes for all your water needs.

Also, the interior walls are built, creating the final room layout. Doors are often hung at this stage along with windows.

Insulation and Drywall

Window construction glaziery process for woodhouseThe summers can go out of hand in RGV. Good insulation ensures you can keep the indoors cooler. This also makes the home more efficient and reduces the HVAC bill.

The majority of the homes are insulated with exterior walls, the attic, and the floor. The crew will work towards that and apply insulation materials like fiberglass, foam, and cellulose.

Along with that, drywall boards are put up and taped to create smooth interior walls and ceilings.

Interior and Exterior Fixtures

Interior and exterior fixtures are typically installed during the “Bringing Your Home to Life” phase, which happens after the rough framing is complete and before the finishing touches. Timing is important since the house is still under construction, and fixtures can be easily damaged by dust, debris, or accidental bumps. Installing them later minimizes this risk.

For the interior, workers will install hardware like doorknobs, window handles, lighting, cabinets and countertops, and bathroom fixtures.

The exterior involves working on things like the garage door, outdoor lighting, and the vintage mailbox with your name printed on it.

Exterior Landscaping and Hardscaping

Landscaping and hardscaping are the final touches that transform your house into a beautiful and functional home from the outside. They add personality, improve functionality, and can even increase your property value.

You can have an underground sprinkler system that ensures your plants get the water they need, which is especially important in the RGV’s hot and dry climate. You can later plant the shrubs and flowers of your choice later.

For hardscaping, concrete, pavers, or flagstone can be used to create patios for entertaining, walkways for easy access, or even stepping stones through a garden. If your property has elevation changes, retaining walls can be built to hold back soil and create level areas.

Ultimately, the choice is yours. The construction team will follow your preference. The cost to build a custom home in RGV is high; hence, take your time and be specific with your requirements.

Flooring Installation

Flooring is the penultimate step that happens towards the very end of the home construction after the messy works are done. With everything else in place, like walls, cabinets, and countertops, measurements for flooring can be more precise, ensuring a perfect fit.

The process of flooring installation starts with the subfloor. The subfloor, which is the base layer under your final flooring material, is inspected and prepped. This might involve leveling uneven surfaces or adding moisture barriers, depending on the type of flooring chosen.

Then, the chosen flooring material (wood, carpet, tile, etc.) is installed. This can involve gluing, nailing, or clicking the pieces together.

Flooring usually takes a few days to a week.

Final Stretch

The final stretch is the 1% of the work and involves things like customization, inspection, and final walk-through. This is your chance to inspect the finished product and point out any minor touch-ups needed before you move in.

So take your time and consult with your home builder for a perfect home.

Build Your Rio Grande Valley Custom Home Today!

Remember, this is a simplified overview. Depending on your project’s complexity, the process and timeline can vary. But hopefully, this gives you a good idea of the exciting journey that goes into building your dream home in the Rio Grande Valley! For a better understanding, talk to a luxury custom home builder today!

Trevino Construction is one of the leading luxury custom home builders known for its state-of-the-art ideas and execution. Contact us to learn more.

10 Questions to Ask Your Custom Home Builder

Renovation supervisor or builder in hardhat meets with happy young woman homeowner and shows her painting and decorating process in new empty house or apartment, with ladder and bucket in background

So you’ve decided to build a custom home for yourself and your family? Great.

A custom home allows you to personalize your home as per your preference. It’s a great way to showcase your creativity and fulfill your needs that ready-to-move houses may not meet.

The next step is choosing a custom home builder. Truth be told, it’s easier said than done. It’s a high-stakes task that requires you to quiz like FBI officers to contractors.

In this article, we will list 10 questions you must ask potential customer home builders before handing over your luxury custom home project.

1.    How long have you been building custom homes in RGV?

Mature woman engineer constructor talking phone with client while works on project from home office

The first thing you’d want to ask a custom home builder in Rio Grande Valley is how long they’ve been in the business. Usually, experience equates to expertise. For building your dream home, you should work with folks who have the expertise to handle the complexities that come with custom home construction.

Seasoned builders (think 10+ years) have likely encountered and overcome most challenges that can arise during construction. Think of unexpected soil conditions, tricky layouts, or integrating complex features like home theaters. Their experience acts as a vast problem-solving toolbox, ensuring they can navigate obstacles efficiently and effectively.

The builders should also have sufficient experience in the local market, i.e., the place where they’re building the house.

Thus, ask for the established date, the date of incorporation, website details, affiliations, portfolio, and references, among other things. Get to know them better and their work.

2.    What recent projects have you completed?

You’d have to ask for builders’ portfolios to gauge their competence and experience in the field. But put focus on the most recent projects. The latest projects demonstrate how well they are in tune with the market needs of today.

Most custom home builders have a portfolio section on their website or have a brochure displaying the same. So ask for them. You should go over 3-5 recent projects they have completed. If possible, visit the property once to get a good look over everything. Does their style align with your vision? Look for variety and the ability to handle projects similar to yours in size and complexity.

3.    What safety protocols do you follow?

Builder And Inspector Looking At New Property

Safety always comes first – not only for you but for the on-site workers. Therefore, safety protocols are among the first questions you should ask custom home builders.

Remember, accidents on a construction site can lead to lawsuits. A builder with a poor safety record puts you at greater risk of legal and financial burdens. Therefore, ask about the past mishaps the builder may have experienced and how they are tackling those mishaps.

A strong safety record is a good indicator, but it’s also crucial to understand the specific safety protocols a builder follows. Does the builder have a process for identifying potential hazards on the job site and implementing preventative measures? This could include proper fall protection, trench safety protocols, and safe handling of hazardous materials.

Builders must provide and enforce the use of appropriate PPE, such as hard hats, safety glasses, gloves, and steel-toed boots. PPE is essential for protecting workers from injuries.

So go over the safety protocols builders are going to employ.

4.    Are you familiar with local laws on building custom homes?

Every locality has its own set of building codes that govern everything from structural integrity and fire safety to plumbing and electrical systems. For example, McAllen requires you to obtain a building permit before constructing a custom home. To obtain this, you’ll need to submit detailed plans of your home along with proof that it complies with building codes and any local zoning regulations in your specific city or county.

A builder who is familiar with the local laws ensures you get the permit on time and attracts no legal penalties down the line.

Therefore, inquire about the home builder’s knowledge of the local laws and if they can guarantee compliance with those laws.

5.    How do you handle site cleanup and waste management?

A construction site can be a minefield of debris – scrap lumber, protruding nails, and leftover building materials. When you enter your dream custom home, you want to enter a home that’s clean and free from pollutants. Therefore, site cleanup and waste management should be the task of the builder. And more important, they should dispose of it by adhering to the local waste laws.

Inquire about their strategies for reducing waste, how they handle different types of waste, and their compliance with local regulations. What percentage of your construction waste is recycled? How do you handle hazardous materials on-site?

You should get more clarity on such issues.

6.    How do you ensure the quality of your subcontractors and materials?

Wood Home Framing Abstract At Construction Site.

Custom homes are complex projects that often require specialists like electricians, plumbers, and roofers. The quality of the subcontractors a builder uses directly impacts the final product of your dream home.

So, unless you’re sourcing those services, you should ask the builder about the subcontractors involved.

Request a list of subcontractors the builder regularly works with and ask about their selection criteria. Inquire about the suppliers they use for materials and their quality assurance processes. If you visit previous projects completed by the builder, you should assess the quality of materials and workmanship firsthand.

7.    How will you keep me updated on the project’s progress?

Construction engineer and architect in vest and helmet discussing blueprint with construction manager, standing on construction site

Regular updates from your builder are crucial for maintaining open communication and fostering trust throughout the process. Knowing the project is progressing smoothly and according to the timeline can alleviate potential anxieties.

So go ahead and inquire about their update process. They might give a brief at the end of the week or send daily updates through email/chat.

Regular communication empowers you to stay connected to the project’s progress. You’ll be aware of upcoming milestones, potential delays, and any decisions that might require your input.

8.    How are your payments structured?

The cost to build a custom home in RGV is significantly high, and a clear understanding of the payment schedule is vital for proper financial planning.

In the construction industry, invoicing is an aspect that fluctuates the most. Some builders take half of the amount upfront, while others demand less upfront capital. A well-defined payment schedule eliminates any potential confusion about what’s expected from you financially throughout the project. This transparency helps avoid unexpected invoices or cash flow issues that could disrupt the construction process.

9.    Do you offer warranties?

Warranties are a testament to quality and superior workmanship. Builders that do top-notch work and engage the best subcontractors do not shy away from offering warranties. A solid warranty protects you from unexpected financial burdens in the event of defects or malfunctions.

Therefore, ask if the custom home builder offers any warranties. Please note construction backed by warranties may call for a premium construction price. But in any case, it’s well worth it.

10. How do you handle conflict?

Construction projects involve many moving parts, and unforeseen situations can pop up. Delays, rise in material cost, natural disasters, anything can happen. Moreover, you may find out that the work being done isn’t up to mark.

A good contractor should be open to discussions and differences in opinion. Therefore, ask builders how they engage with conflicts. By asking how they handle conflict, you’re gauging their ability to work collaboratively with you and other parties involved (subcontractors, architects, and others) to reach a solution that benefits everyone.

Choose the Right Custom Home Builder

Asking the 10 questions mentioned above will help you find the right luxury custom home builder to work with. Besides that, do not hesitate to ask questions specific to your case.

That said, Trevino Construction ticks all the right boxes when it comes to experience, safety protocols, local expertise, local laws, construction materials, warranties, waste management, and more. Contact us today to learn more about our construction process.

Building Homes for Multigenerational Living

Multi generational family cover

In recent times, there has been a notable shift in living arrangements in families. Pew research revealed that a quarter of all adults between 25 and 34 years of age now live in a multigenerational living situation.

Multigenerational living involves many generations of the family, such as grandparents, parents, and children, staying under one roof.

Changes in population demographics, economic factors, and socio-cultural values have made multigenerational living increasingly common.

This change brought about not only a change in family structure and dynamics but also the shape and design of homes. With everyone living in close proximity, it is essential to design a home in a way that ensures harmony, connectivity, and privacy.

So, if you are considering living in a multigenerational custom home, this article digs deeper into its importance, design considerations, best practices, and more. Read on to find out.

Cheerful family spending good time together while cooking in kitchen

What is the Significance of a Multigenerational Home?

A custom multigenerational home gives you the liberty to design your living space in a way that suits your family members and your personal needs.

With proper and practical designs, careful planning of your multigenerational home can be perfect to accommodate all the different personalities and characters of the generations that are living together.

A well-thought-out design will create a living space that is comfortable, functional, and supportive.

For example,

  • Senior citizens would require grab bars in the bathrooms and stairs, or even wheelchair accessibility, as well as large doorways to accommodate them.
  • Children will require a dedicated play area for them to free creative.
  • Young adults will need private spaces for studying, working remotely and unwinding with friends.
  • Moreover, shared spaces should also be designed in a way that creates room for interaction and connectivity without feeling restrictive.

You don’t need an overly large house to live comfortably in a multigenerational home, but enough space is essential to make the house feel a sense of openness. Therefore, the key factors to making a multigenerational home a success are its size and layout.

Unique Options for a Customised Multigenerational Home

Designing a custom home in Rio Grande Valley with multigenerational living in mind offers various options, such as incorporating a casita or an in-law suite.

Tiny houses and apartments above garages with private entrances are also popular choices, providing family members with privacy and independence while staying close to each other. However, in some cases, adding extra structures may not be feasible, which calls for alternative solutions. AARP recommends converting a garage, rebuilding a basement, and using the unused attic space if you are running out of space.

Additionally, homes can be designed with separate living areas for different generations, ensuring flexibility for future needs. Collaborating with a custom home builder will bring about the creation of a comfortable and cohesive multigenerational living environment designed specifically to the family’s requirements.

Some living options for a multigenerational home are:

  • Dual-Key Home: This home involves two separate living spaces with different entrances under one roof. This is perfect for families that want privacy while living together.
  • Attached Home: A second house attached to the main one can also provide independence while living in close proximity.
  • Granny Flats: These are self-contained living spaces that are built on the same property as the main house. These houses best suit elderly parents or adult children who want privacy.
  • Two-Story Home: Separate living spaces on each floor can accommodate multiple generations under one roof. This is an ideal situation for different generations to live together in one house.

Stylish home

Features of Multigenerational Custom Homes

Multigenerational homes offer unique features that cannot be found in any other type of house. These special features that are incorporated in a home where people of different generations live are:

1. Functional design

One of the key features of a multigenerational home is creating a functional design that meets the needs of all family members. This includes considering certain factors such as accessibility, safety, and ease of navigation for senior citizens or those with special abilities.

Moreover, adding flexible living spaces that can adapt to changing family dynamics is a plus point. For example, a separate attached home or living area for grandparents may give them privacy and independence while still being able to interact with other family members frequently.

2. Private and shared spaces

With a multigenerational home, there is a need to balance the need for privacy with ample opportunity for shared activities. Allowing each family unit its own private living areas, such as bedrooms and bathrooms, will ensure that everyone has their own space to retreat and relax.

At the same time, shared living spaces such as a spacious kitchen, dining area, or family room will give room for bonding and social interaction among family members. You can also consider adding outdoor living areas or communal gardens where family members can get together for outdoor activities or meals.

3. Separate entrances and living areas

Providing different entrances and living areas for different generations can help maintain a sense of independence within the household. This allows each family unit to come and go as they please without disturbing other members of the household.

Family With Senior Parents And Adult Offspring Relaxing In Lounge At Home Together

4. Flexible use of space

Designing the space and layout is key for multigenerational living. Spaces that can serve multiple functions and adapt to changing needs over time give families the flexibility to make the most of their living areas.

You can consider adding features like movable partitions, fold-down beds, or convertible furniture. This versatility ensures that the home can grow and evolve along with the family.

5. Emphasis on connection

While privacy and independence are important, it’s also essential to create areas for connection and bonding among family members. Add features such as open floor plans, communal gathering spaces, and outdoor living areas to create a sense of togetherness within the household.

6. Integration of technology

Adding advanced technology features into the home can enhance its convenience, safety, and connectivity for multigenerational families. Smart home features such as programmable thermostats, home security systems, and voice-activated assistants can help improve the overall quality and comfort of life.

7. Environmental considerations

With the threat of climate change looming large, building sustainable and energy-efficient homes will not only reduce the environmental impact but also provide long-term cost savings. Having features such as solar panels, energy-efficient appliances, and high-performance insulation can also significantly reduce utility bills.

Additionally, using eco-friendly building materials and design strategies can contribute to a healthier indoor environment and minimize the home’s carbon footprint.

8. Community amenities and services

An important aspect of multigenerational living is its surrounding community and available amenities. There is an added advantage if you live close to essential services such as healthcare facilities, schools, grocery stores, and recreational opportunities that can enhance your quality of life.

Additionally, access to public transportation and community spaces such as parks, libraries, and community centers can provide opportunities for socialization and engagement with a wider community.

9. Future planning

Finally, when building homes for multigenerational living, it’s important to think long-term and plan for future needs. Features such as universal design principles, aging-in-place modifications, and adaptable spaces can help ensure that the home remains functional and comfortable when family members age or life changes.

Considering the cost of building a custom home in RGV, multigenerational homes are cost-effective as they facilitate multiple generations to live under a single roof.

Happy family having lunch in the garden on a sunny day.

Build Your Multigenerational Custom Home With Us!

Trevino Construction understands that building homes for a multigenerational home requires thoughtful planning along with a focus on creating spaces that promote harmony, privacy, and connection.

By adding functional design elements, accessibility features, flexible living spaces, and opportunities for growth and change, multigenerational homes can provide a supportive and nurturing environment for families of all ages and backgrounds.

So, if you want to convert your custom home to support multigenerational living or build one from scratch, Trevino Construction is here to help. We are one of the leading luxury custom home builders known for our state-of-the-art ideas and execution. Our homes blend privacy and communal spaces, offering adaptable layouts for comfort and functionality. Contact us today to learn more.

Chef’s Paradise: Creating a High-end Gourmet Kitchen

A luxury home has almost everything the homeowner wants. One thing that can complete the luxury home is creating a stunning, high-end gourmet kitchen with a state-of-the-art culinary set-up. You can do several things to transform your kitchen into the ultimate chef’s paradise.

Install a High-End Cooking Range

A high-end kitchen cooking range is more versatile and provides the ideal equipment and space for the gourmet cook. It has a contemporary look with lots of technology for high performance. The high-end cooking range has more cooking power, precision, and versatility. Some tasks are much more manageable than lower-end ranges, like searing meat or melting chocolate without scorching. They are solidly constructed and made of heavier, longer-lasting material. Overall, installing a high-end cooking range will improve the look of your kitchen and, ultimately, the resale value of your home.

A Double Oven

Upscale kitchen in luxury home with breakfast bar

A double oven would allow you to prepare different dishes simultaneously. It is ideal to entertain guests or prepare a meal for your family in a limited time. Double ovens come in various options – standalone units or built-into countertops. Your kitchen layout will determine the best option for you, although it is recommended to have an eye-level design that is easiest to monitor progress. Families or partners who like to cook together will find the double oven convenient for various cooking preferences. One of these ovens should be a convection, helping to cook food uniformly and efficiently.

Another option is a range cooker, preferred by many chefs. A range cooker is more versatile as it offers more settings, functions, and cooking options. Many even feature a separate grill, which means you can grill and roast simultaneously.

The Gourmet Kitchen Layout.

The layout of your gourmet kitchen should focus on different zones to prepare various dishes, store appliances and ingredients conveniently, prepare meals, serve, and clean up. The layout should accommodate easy, economical movement for the chef between various zones in the gourmet kitchen.

The Galley kitchen layout provides space for movement and can include a long island as a workspace or for the family members to gather and chat while the chef prepares the food. Consider your kitchen layout by drawing a model with windows, entrances, and access to the rest of the house. Place the appliances you wish to have in your gourmet kitchen on the model and move it around to determine which space is the best option. Decide what will work best for you and the family.

Sustainable Flooring Options

It is essential to select your flooring wisely. Your kitchen will experience moisture from cooking, appliances, spilling food and drink, and washing. An easy-to-clean option that will not be damaged is the obvious choice. Yet, the kitchen flooring must suit the style of your kitchen, whether contemporary or traditional style. Linoleum works traditionally best. On the other hand, for a natural aesthetic look, natural stone, wood, cork, or even bamboo flooring can enhance your natural gourmet kitchen.

Select the correct surfaces

Selecting the correct countertops is vital as the working space and as a statement piece in the functional kitchen. When selecting surfaces for the countertops, make sure it is:

  • Beautiful in appearance.
  • Extremely durable.
  • Resistant to scratches and stains.
  • Resisting mold, mildew, and bacteria.
  • Providing longevity.
  • Low maintenance and easy to clean.
  • Not in need of a sealant.

It is wise to use durable materials such as granite, quartz and stainless steel for a healthier, better workspace with stain resistance while at the same time having aesthetic appeal.


Gourmet kitchens are well-lit. It provides the chef’s paradise ambience and brightens the areas where they chop, prepare, and cook food with task and pendant lighting. The functional and aesthetic illumination is essential for the cooking process and entertaining. A gourmet kitchen should include task, mood, and feature lighting. Task lighting for the practical working space, mood lighting to create a different atmosphere, and feature lighting to be eye-catching and give your gourmet kitchen that extra splendor.

Optimize Organization with Ample Storage

Beautiful Kitchen in New Luxury Home with Large Island, Hardwood Floors, Range Hood, and Glass Fronted Cabinets, Horizontal Orientation; Lights are off

A gourmet chef has a meticulous way of using the latest and most advanced appliances. With that goes a well-stocked pantry with the necessary herbs, spices, and flavors to add to dishes. All ingredients must be kept in one place, visible and organized, so it is at hand while cooking. A good chef will organize the content of the kitchen rigidly to know where to find the butcher knife or chopping block or that piece of equipment to enhance the preparation, appearance, and flavor of the food. The space in the gourmet kitchen must be utilized and well-planned to be easily accessible to the chef. The ultimate organization of the kitchen will maintain function and space without compromising the appearance and functionality of the kitchen. Plan your kitchen considering all the extras you need to accommodate to cook that gourmet meal.

Designing a gourmet kitchen is an exciting endeavor that requires careful planning and attention to detail. With your aim in mind, contact the professionals in design and planning of luxury homes to assist you in transforming your kitchen into a Chef’s Paradise.

Heirloom Homes: Long-lasting Construction for Generations to Come

Heirloom home featuring a large driveway and front lawn

Luxurious homes are all about lush features and lavish amenities. However, you can’t just put all the focus on extravagance at the expense of structural integrity. It is equally important to construct homes that can withstand the test of time and provide you with safe dwellings for years to come.

Durable luxury homes go beyond indulgence and provide a comforting sense of security for ages. There’s no doubt that luxury homes foster a high quality of life and a one-of-a-kind living experience for you and your loved ones. But when you compromise durability for luxury, you’re left with a home that constantly needs repairs and renovations.

When your luxury home is built to last, it doesn’t only give you peace of mind. It also serves as an excellent investment in the long run, preserving and growing its value as an asset.

At Heirloom Homes, we believe that building a legacy home isn’t merely a financial decision; it’s a celebration of our past and a gift to the future. In today’s post, we will explore several aspects of luxury homes that are long-lasting and durable. So read on to know more!

What are the Benefits of Long-Lasting Luxury Homes?

Requires Low Maintenance

Durable luxury homes maintain their structural integrity for many years. Since they don’t need frequent repairs and renovations, they also save much money due to reduced maintenance costs in the long run. When you’re already spending a significant amount on constructing a luxury home, saving your money on regular maintenance makes even more sense.

Testament of Quality and Craftsmanship

There should be more to a luxury home than just lavish amenities, fancy features, and aesthetic design. It should also uphold abstract values that are not visible to the eye, such as the quality of construction, elegance, and timelessness. So when investing in long-lasting construction, your luxury home will serve as a testament to high-quality craftsmanship for years to come.

Comfortable Living Experience

Residing in a luxury home with durable construction is a comfortable experience like no other. You don’t have to worry about every minor aspect of your home. Instead, you can confidently enjoy all the amenities that your home has to offer without being concerned about structural integrity.

Excellent Property Value in Long-term

Durable luxury homes retain their property value for many years, even in the unpredictable housing market. Since they are more resistant to wear and tear, such homes remain intact and in prime condition even as the years go by. So a long-lasting construction serves as an excellent investment for the future.

A well-built and well-maintained luxury home is more likely to retain its appeal and market value, even as architectural and design trends evolve. Should you ever decide to sell the property, you can expect high resale value.

Create a Legacy and Preserve Heritage

Luxury homes are often regarded as legacy properties. The longevity of luxury homes enables them to be passed down through generations or sold as valuable assets. By building homes to last, homeowners can ensure that future generations continue to enjoy the property’s architectural beauty and luxurious amenities.

In this way, durable homes provide a solid foundation for long-term family legacies and contribute to preserving architectural heritage.

Promote Sustainability

Building durable luxury homes aligns with sustainable practices and reduces environmental impact. Using long-lasting materials, weather-resistant exteriors, and energy-saving features ensures that your home requires fewer renovations. It reduces construction waste and conserves valuable building resources and materials.

How to Build Long-lasting Construction?

Close-up image of architect point at mistake in construction plan

Solid Foundation

A strong foundation is crucial for the durability of any structure. Ensure that the soil is properly tested and prepared before commencing construction. Use high-quality materials like reinforced concrete and follow engineering specifications to ensure a solid and stable foundation.

Quality Materials

Invest in high-quality construction materials known for their durability and resistance to wear and tear. Residential home builders in Edinburg recommend using natural stones, wood, vinyl flooring, siding, aluminum coil stock, and so on. They also ensure that the materials used meet relevant building codes and standards, like, International Buiding Code (IBC), International Fire Code (IFC), etc.

Professional Design and Engineering

It is advisable to enlist the services of skilled architects and engineers to design the structure. Their extensive knowledge and expertise will guarantee a well-planned construction process, considering essential factors such as load-bearing capacity, seismic considerations, and efficient drainage systems.

By entrusting the design to professionals, the risk of potential structural problems in the future is significantly reduced. A meticulously crafted design ensures the structural integrity and longevity of the luxury home, providing peace of mind for both present and future homeowners. With the guidance of experienced architects and engineers, the construction process is optimized, resulting in a resilient and enduring structure that stands the test of time. Furthermore, most professionals also support custom home financing, thus streamlining the process.

Pay Attention to the Local Climate and Environment

When creating the design and constructing the building, it is important to consider the specific characteristics of the local climate and environment. This entails taking into account factors like:

  • Effective water drainage systems to handle the rainfall and prevent water buildup
  • Incorporating features that can withstand strong winds
  • Ensuring adequate insulation to regulate temperatures in extreme weather conditions.

By factoring in these elements during the design and construction phases, the luxury home will be better equipped to adapt to its surroundings, providing comfort, durability, and efficiency for its occupants. It is a proactive approach that ensures the home is well-suited to the local climate and environmental conditions, enhancing its overall performance and longevity.

Sustainable and Eco-friendly

Sustainable and eco-friendly features in long-lasting luxury homes include:

  • Using solar panels to reduce environmental impact and reliance on traditional energy sources.
  • Geothermal heating, utilizing the earth’s natural heat, offers efficient warmth with minimal environmental impact.
  • Energy Star appliances save energy and lower utility bills.
  • Water Sense-certified fixtures conserve water, and atria ventilation systems improve indoor air quality.
  • Green building materials like straw, hemp, and bamboo provide sustainable alternatives.
  • Energy-efficient windows reduce energy consumption and emissions.

Embracing these eco-friendly elements benefits the environment and creates a luxurious and comfortable living experience.

Comply with Building Codes and Regulations

Verifying that the construction adheres to the applicable local building codes and regulations is crucial. These codes exist to guarantee the safety, structural integrity, and longevity of the building. Some of them are:

  • Structural requirements: Ensure strength and stability to withstand gravity, wind, and seismic forces.
  • Fire safety codes: Cover fire resistance ratings, detection systems, emergency exits, and evacuation plans.
  • Electrical codes: Govern installation, maintenance, and safety of electrical systems.
  • Plumbing codes: Focus on installation and maintenance of plumbing systems.
  • Accessibility codes: Provide equal access for individuals with disabilities.
  • Energy efficiency codes: Promote conservation through insulation, ventilation, lighting, and energy-efficient appliances.
  • Zoning and land use regulations: Dictate property use, including building height, setbacks, and land use in specific zones.

Build a Long-Lasting Luxury Home With Us

signing a last will and testament document

Constructing durable luxury homes has many immediate and long-term benefits. The longevity of your home will be a testament to superior craftsmanship, timeless legacy, and preservation of architectural heritage. On the practical and economic side, it also reduces long-term maintenance costs, ensures that your property retains high value for years, and promotes sustainable living. It will always be a safe and comfortable dwelling space for you and your loved ones.

If you want to make your dream luxury home a reality, Heirloom Homes is here to help. With a wealth of experience exceeding 50 years, we know what it takes to build a home that stands the test of time and also reflects your lifestyle and uniqueness. As one of the leading McAllen home builders, we always take immense pride in crafting elegant luxury homes by delivering top-notch quality, design, and value for our clients. Understanding the importance of budgets and timelines, our skilled team ensures competitive pricing without compromising excellence.

So reach out to us at Heirloom Homes, and let us work together to bring life to your vision and aspiration of a luxury home that will be yours and stand strong for years to come!

10 Best Down Payment Saving Tips for Custom Home Construction

a house

A custom-home construction can be satisfying and expensive, both at the same time. According to the National Association of Realtors, a custom-made home in South Texas can cost you around $427,893, which is a lot of money to shell out. So, how do you save money when building a custom home? By utilizing money in the best way possible to save up for the down payment and cost of construction. Let’s dive deeper.

Custom home construction down payment saving tips


Keep a budget

The first step to framing a down payment savings plan is keeping a strict budget and sticking to it. Having a budget plan will help you achieve your savings goals. It will also help you understand your spending habits and financial situation. Keep track of your monthly income, list necessary expenses, and note other monthly expenses. You can also follow the 50-30-20 budget plan, where 50% of your salary can go to necessary expenses, 30% for personal uses, and 20% for savings. This rule may be difficult, but it can help you achieve your goals.

Manage your spending

dollar bills

Cutting out unnecessary expenses will help to add to your savings. It may be challenging to give up on some luxury and comfort, like having your own car, going on vacations, eating out, and buying new products and clothes. However, opting for better, affordable, and cheaper options temporarily will help you save for your dream house. Some other unnecessary spending that you can cut out are gym memberships, subscriptions, and other entertainment services.

Clear off debts

Paying off all the remaining debts from car loans, credit bills, or educational loans before constructing a house will help to lessen your financial burden. Clearing off your debts will help you have a tunnel vision focus on saving most of your income for a house down payment.

Embrace cheaper rentals

Wondering how to save for a down payment while renting? How about moving, ditching the comfort of an expensive apartment and moving to a cheaper option? Moving into a cheaper apartment will help you save thousands of dollars in just a year. Renting an apartment in a less popular neighborhood will also help cut costs, as apartments are usually cheaper in more remote places than in popular towns and cities.

Save extra money

Putting every extra cent you get from work into down payment savings will help you achieve your goal faster. Whether you get bonuses for extra hours at your job or a higher pay raise, utilizing this money for saving instead of spend it on personal purposes will prove to be rewarding.

Get a second job

a worker in the office

Another way to pay for the cost to build a custom home in RGV is to get a second job or have several side jobs to bring in extra money. It may even be your chance to start earning from a hobby you love, such as selling artwork, receiving commissions, photography jobs, giving dance lessons or music lessons, tutoring students, etc. If you love physical exercise, animals, and kids, you can also be a physical trainer, walk dogs and babysit.

Share an apartment

Sharing an apartment is another option to save money, as the rent and other expenses can be split between two or more people. Sometimes the cost of renting a single-bedroom apartment can be just as much as a two-bedroom apartment. You will be able to save much more towards your down payment if you share a two-bedroom apartment and split the rent rather than live in a one-bedroom apartment by yourself.

Lock in the best mortgage rates

It is important to stay alert and plan ahead when it comes to mortgage rates, as they go up and down owing to external factors. It is best to keep an eye on the rates and lock in when the mortgage rates are at the lowest, as this will also help you in the future.

0% APR credit cards

interest rate

Building a home is expensive, so getting a credit card that offers 0% interest for 12 or more months is great. You can make expenses and purchases without paying interest for a year or more. Some credit cards even offer points for every dollar spent. However, making conscious decisions while purchasing with a 0% APR credit card is always recommended.

Chalk out a good construction plan

construction plan being discussed

To increase savings while constructing a custom house, having a good construction plan is ideal. A good plan involves negotiating better deals and finding a good architect and lender. Other things to consider are:

Choose quality builders

To find the perfect builders, one should consider the cost and quality they provide. The style of the house should also be considered when looking for builders.

Location matters


Finding the right location that fits your budget and understanding land rates across different states is important to save money while building a house. For example, Rio Grande Valley offers a lower living cost and a warm climate all year round.

Start saving now

So, this is how to save for a house. Undoubtedly, it will be a painstaking process, but worth it. For more information on building custom homes, contact the best luxury custom home builders today.

How Much Does It Cost to Build a Custom Home in South Texas?

Custom Home South Texas

Buying a home or building a custom home is a hallmark of the American dream. Everyone wants to live in a home that they own. The latest data from the National Association of Realtors shows that the average price of buying an existing single-family home is $271,300. In contrast, the average cost of building a custom home is almost double that of $427,893.

While buying a home seems easier on the pocket, building your own custom home gives you the freedom to personalize every inch of the house to your liking. So if you’re willing to dig deeper into your pocket to build the ideal home, why not go down to South Texas to build one?

Why South Texas?

South Texas is one of the most frequented places owing to its attractive tourist destinations and recreational opportunities. It is also famous for its strong Hispanic cultural influences, especially in architecture. Comparatively, building a custom home in South Texas is also quite affordable compared to other areas of the country.

Many people moving into South Texas from other states like California sell their homes and buy larger homes or build new and better ones for just a little more than half the price. This makes it an ideal location among others when it comes to building a custom home. So how much does it cost to build a home in South Texas? To answer this, there are several factors and hidden costs that you need to consider.

Factors To Consider While Making Cost Estimates For Building A House

  • The location of your home
  • The cost of labor in your area
  • Pricing differences among the different regions
  • Home type and size
  • The different building materials and products you choose to use
  • Use of modern or custom designs
  • Other miscellaneous costs
  • Price hikes due to the pandemic

With these in mind, let’s follow the steps while building a custom home to get a better idea.

STEP 1. Obtaining A Plot Of Land

Building a house requires a plot of land. If you already don’t own one, then you’ll need to look for one to purchase. Most average single-family homes are built on a half-acre lot, so that would be an ideal comparison base while looking for a new one. There are mainly two types of land in Texas: subdivided lots and raw land. Depending on the city and the size of the plot, the costs of each type of land may vary.

Subdivided lots are fully finished lots in cities that feature roads and various utilities most of the time. The actual land, however, is platted. Subdivided lots can range from $30,000 to over $300,000 for 1-acre depending on the area, community, or city. Subdivided land costs are more when you factor in other features and utilities, surveyor costs, septic tank installation costs, grading, roads, etc.

Raw lands are undivided plots of land. These types of land are cheaper by the acre, but they are costlier to develop when you factor in utilities, grading, and roads. Such types of land can range from $7,000 per acre to over $50,000 per acre for larger tracts. This may seem like a cut-price compared to subdivided lots, but the cost of developing these raw plots brings their actual cost up to par with subdivided lots.

STEP 2. Obtaining Building Permits

Building permits are essential before you can start building a home. The cost of obtaining a building permit ranges between $400 and $4,000, depending on the location of your land. Usually, getting permits in rural areas is cheaper, and costs can vary widely depending on local regulations.

STEP 3. Creating A Construction Budget

Single-family homes on the mid-levels usually take up around 2500 to 3000 square feet of space. San Antonio, the fastest-growing city in South Texas, has an average of $160 per square foot. Other cities are comparatively cheaper, around $100 to $140. This gives you an estimate of the total cost of building a house, which can vary from $260,000 to $400,000.

All these costs, however, vary according to different factors. For example, while the house structure and exterior finishing make up the bulk of the total budget, you should allocate around 25% of the total budget towards interior finishing. Given below are some of the different expenses that factor into the total amount.

  • Foundation work

Foundation work involves breaking ground on your new home, and it will usually cost you anywhere from $4,500 to $21,000 when pouring a concrete foundation.

  • Finishes and fixtures

There are many options when you consider finishes and fixtures. While some basic packages may start at $90/square feet, luxury packages can hit up to $1100/square feet.

  • Type of roof

Installing new roofs can cost up to $7,300. However, the prices increase if you go for options such as slate roofing.

  • Appliances

Appliances like smart home features can cost you from $50 to thousands of dollars, depending on the quality. Moreover, you’ll also need to factor in the electrical wiring and water plumbing costs as part of your budget estimates.

With all these different estimates and expenses in mind, now you have a better idea of how to plan your budget for your custom home construction. While the cost of building your own custom home may seem hefty compared to buying a new house, it is suddenly worth every penny you spend. In addition, there may be parts of the new house that you may be tempted to change for a few thousand dollars or more. Factoring this in mind, building your own custom home may be the ideal decision while opting for a new place to stay.

Top 7 Reasons You Should Build a Home in 2021

Ah! Finally, 2020 is about to end, and we can’t be happier. 2020 was one hell of a year. Social distancing, masks, lockdowns, and whatnot?

But one thing that 2020 taught us is to have your home – the one you call your own, the one you can practice work-from-home from, and the one you can relax yourself in amid tough lockdowns and other situations.

So, let’s welcome 2021 with all the positivity and hope. Here are the top 7 reasons you should build a new home in 2021.

Property value never depreciates

The main reason people invest in real estate is that the value (almost) never depreciates. And this has been true during the pandemic as well. Even the lockdowns and economic recession haven’t been able to put a dent in the housing market.

Going by the stats, property rates have increased two-fold since the last two years. A report published by the National Association of Realtors suggested that the existing home sales hit an all-time high since December 2006. This means that people are still buying and selling homes, even in the pandemic recession.

So if you’re building a home in 2021 intending to sell it later in the future (yes, we know you don’t want to sell it, just in the worst-case scenario), then just know that you’ll never incur a loss.

Mortgage rates are at an all-time low

Contrary to the property value going up, the mortgage rates have hit an all-time low. Since the beginning of 2020, the drop seen in December is the 15th for the year.

Freddie Mac reported that the FRM rates have dropped by one percentage point to 2.59% (15-year FRM) and 3.13% (30-year FRM).

Therefore, banks are offering cheaper rates on mortgage loans. This means that getting financing for building your home in 2021 has become easy.

Since the economy has started to recover, you never know when the price may go back up. So it’s best to build a house in the early part of 2021. The sooner, the better.

Leverage the pandemic sale

Building a home isn’t only limited to plots, bricks, cement, and all those things. You’d also have to purchase carpets, electronics, furniture, and other essentials that make up a luxury home.

The pandemic has forced several consumer sectors to roll out cheaper variants to stay competitive. Not only companies but consumers too are demanding discounts on products.

You can take advantage of this pandemic sale and buy products and materials at cheaper rates for your home.

Save money on rent

If you do not own a house, then you must be living on a rented property. This means thousands of dollars of bills every month. The average monthly rent for an apartment in the US was about $1,400-1,500 in 2017. Factor in the inflation rate today, plus additional expenses like application fee, security deposits, pet deposits, insurance, among others.

By having your own house, you’ll be saving those expenses every month. For example, saving $1,500 every month means you’ll save $18,000 every year. You can reinvest that somewhere else and reap dividends.

Earn money from rent

By owning a house, you create an additional income source for yourself. You can rent out part of your home to a tenant and receive monthly recurring payments from him/her.

Renting out to tourists is also another option. When the travel industry is back to its feet, travelers will be looking for low-cost accommodation options. You can list the rooms on services like AirBnb, Homestay, and Couchsurfing, and get paid.

If renting out to tourists is why you’re building a home, you should consider building a high-end luxury construction as vacation rental property for higher profits.

Receive tax breaks

Almost no one likes paying taxes, especially when it’s in the higher percentages. Real estate is one of the best ways to receive tax deductions in the US. Therefore, many people prefer to invest in them and REITs.

The tax benefits you receive for building a house are associated with:

  • Mortgage interest
  • Property tax
  • Operating expenses
  • Depreciation
  • Repairs

When you combine these verticals, you’ll see that you’re saving a lot of money with tax breaks in the longer term. There are also capital gains to be made when you sell your house in the future.

Get a customized home in 2021

Custom homes are personalized and hence allow you to express your creativity. From the kitchen to the living room, you have complete control over the design. Not only in design, but you also have power from a budget standpoint.

You’ll also realize the value of a customized home when you’re trying to sell. People value creativity for which you can charge more.

Your turn

There you go, those were the top 7 reasons you should consider buying a custom home in 2021. As the year is about to end, now is the best time to kickstart your 2021 positively and buy a home. What are your views on this? Do you have any questions or want to discuss anything? We are here to help you out. Contact us today!

The One Reason Why Now Is the Best Time To Buy A House

What tells you it’s time to invest in a home now?

  • falling mortgage rates, and
  • soaring prices of existing homes

Although the two trends seem contradictory, for home buyers they actually work together to solve the common issue – building an affordable home. A low rate of interest is by far the most important factor in the final decision to build a home.

Mortgage rates are at a record-low

If you have always dreamt of buying your own home, there is no time like the present. Financing is more affordable just now. Mortgage rates are at an all-time low. In fact, this is the lowest it has ever dropped in three decades. According to Freddie Mac, banks are rolling out cheaper loans. FRM rates have plunged by one percentage point as a norm as seen in June: 3.13% (30-year FRM) and 2.59% (15-year FRM).

Mortgage rates chart

For prospective buyers, it means that mortgage repayment is less expensive. If you take out a home loan now, you can lock-in this rate and be assured of a low, predictable monthly outflow, irrespective of market fluctuations.

Let’s do the math:

In Jan, an interest rate of 3.72 % on a mortgage of $300,000 could set you back by $1,384 every month. With a lowered rate in June (3.12%), you pay $1,284. Jingling away in your kitty is a neat saving of $100 each month, or $1,200 a year.

There is no doubt that lending rates have fallen. Nowhere in history has this rate been as low as it is currently. If you need more information, do your own research on the top American banks like Wells Fargo, Bank of America, or JP Morgan Chase to find more about falling mortgage rates. Or, you may talk to a trusted builder to find out if they have any preferred lender to help you pre-qualify.

However, there are no projections that rates are going to go further below. Besides, as the market picks up and the availability of homes rises, the tables are going to be turned.

Property prices have risen steadily

Contrary to predictions, house prices are continuing to surge. Even the pandemic couldn’t put a dent in the housing market. If anything, rates have increased two-fold since last year. So, you can safely discard any thoughts of bargain-buying your dream home. In the near future, housing projections show a rise in housing costs brought about by both an insufficient inventory and demands for new homes. Hence, housing pundits are encouraging prospective homeowners to put in the money now lest prices swell out of reach.

Apart from borrowings, a surety of earnings also affects buying decisions. The pandemic has wiped away thousands of jobs and although the market has been recovering since May, most Americans are staring into an insecure employment scenario. Hence, before applying for a mortgage, the one thing first-time homebuyers must ensure is their ability to repay it. Interest rates are, for the first time in housing history, at their lowest level but this should not be the sole reason to burden yourself with a house loan.

Hence, if you are financially ready for investing in the new home of your choice (loss of employment is not a major concern for you now and you have enough dough in the bank) it is only practical to buy the same house at a lower interest rate.

Personalized homes in the Valley

Buying a custom home in south Texas is a safe option given the condition of the housing market. Many homes have been pulled out of local listings and house prices are predicted to rise further. Experts suggest that building a new home with low interest rates in mind could help you increase savings on your EMIs.

Trevino Construction packagesTrevino Construction comes to the rescue with their luxury home packages that not only use the finest building materials but also help you make over a thousand dollars every month in savings.

Three premium residences – Castle Lux, Royal Grande, King Marques – are built-to-order homes that speak of architectural finesse. These residential spaces carry some of the highly-priced characteristics of first-class homes:

  • guarantee of quality
  • attention to details
  • network of reliable financers
  • strong community of existing buyers
  • foundation built over a decade of expertise

Trevino Construction can further lower your house-building expenses by helping you save more. Combined with dreadfully low interest rates, a Castle Lux home can earn you almost $1,200 every month.

Apart from assisting customers with checking out their eligibility for mortgages, we also help you get the most affordable interest rates for your budget. For instance, a Royal Grande home is designed to save as much as $1,500 per month and the savings extend to cover taxes and insurance.

We also have a unique system to arrive at the final cost of your property. Rather than selling at per square foot of space, we factor in all the exclusive elements that went into the building. A fully customized Kings Marque home will squeeze out $1,800 a month from your monthly loan bill.

Overall, if you find a home that appeals to your aesthetic and practical selves, go invest in it now rather than wait. The country is in a state of an unprecedented period of recession and no one knows where the end lies.

Waiting further in the hopes of even lower rates may prove futile since a lot of factors determine the trends. Take advantage of a rate cut in mortgage and reach out to us today to start building an exclusive, premium home for your family.